March 16, 2015 at 06:18PM

Things this mama learned at the park today: 1. It’s been a long winter and I’m so grateful spring is tipping its hat these days. 2. This little one has no fear. I’ve totally underestimated his physical strength. 3. Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban take their kids to the park too. And it just so happens to be when we’re there! #sonashville #beckett

March 15, 2015 at 08:41AM

Our home is more like a cardboard jungle right now. Moving day is 8 days away – and this process always makes you wonder where all this stuff came from!? But we are savoring every moment in our first home together with cardboard tunnels, box races, and some tall glasses of red wine. #beckett

March 14, 2015 at 01:29PM

#beckett picked out his three favorites (quite decidedly), scanned them, and walked out with a confidence I’ve never witnessed. The kid loves the public library. And that makes this teacher mom beyond happy.